There is no avoiding Pension Auto Enrolment if you are an employer. There is a common misconception that auto-enrolment is purely about pensions. Auto-enrolment is actually largely a payroll issue and is compulsory for employers.
The steps required to comply with the new compulsory legislation are as follows:-
Identify your staging date – you can find this here
Select a pension provider and set up a pension scheme
Decide on a basis of earnings assessment
Communication in writing to employees
Assess each employee status against the enrolment criteria on each payroll run
Communicate in writing to employees, their the initial status and any subsequent changes
Enrol eligible employees into your pension scheme
Calculate and deduct pension contributions from employees on each pay run
Calculate your employer pension contribution on each pay run
Send details of contributions to your pension scheme provider after each pay run
Pay over contributions to your pension scheme provider each month
If you have opted for us to manage your payroll process, once you have your pension scheme set up, we can set this up in our software to ensure you comply with legislation.
We provide an administration only service and do not offer investment advice. If you would like investment advice then we can provide you with recommendations on where to get this from.
Auto Enrolment